
Posts Tagged ‘scientific method’

So, as I write this, I know this is a bit silly. Really, I should just jump right in with the content I have planned, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I am nothing if not a creature of habit and after over a decade of starting various blogs, I can’t bring myself to abandon the traditional greeting to the void.

So, hello there Internet! I exist.

This blog will be filled with discussion of science in various forms – discussions of new studies, discoveries, tech, and how these topics are covered in the press. Other forms of geekery may leak in as well, but no promises.

Areas I’m particularly interested in and know something about include: psychology, evolution, and biology.

Areas I know nothing about, but I find fascinating: physics and astronomy.

I’m also a new cook, baker, DIY-er, vegan, eco-oriented person. I just moved into my first solo apartment a few months ago and am feeling the compulsion to share the domestic side of my life.

Unlike many similar blogs, this will probably not be filled with tales of competency. More likely, this will be a record of my learning curve on how to be a functioning adult. Since the internet is my primary teacher, that should lend extra excitement to the proceedings, given the fickle nature of internet things.

So there you have it! Clearly, this will be a very confused enterprise.

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